Austin Dharma Assembly:  Khenpo Hui Guang Teaching Event July 13-14

Austin Dharma Assembly: Khenpo Hui Guang Teaching Event 2024

Saturday 13th July, 2024 

       10:00am – 1:00pm

Topic: The Practice of Confession

Question & Answer: Brief Introduction of the Great Perfection Vajra Bridge & the excellence of Rigzin lineage

Zoom ID: 860567750     Passcode: 334134

        3:00pm – 6:00pm

Session #1: Instruction & group practice on Padmasambhava Inner Accomplishment 

                (prerequisite required for group practice, check QR code)

Sunday 14th July, 2024 

       9:30am – 12:30pm

Session #2: Instruction & group practice on Padmasambhava Inner Accomplishment 

   (prerequisite required for group practice, check QR code)

        2:00pm – 3:00pm

Question & Answer Session

prerequisite QR code

*** Please note that in order to attend the instruction and group practice on Padmasambhava Inner Accomplishment, you must have taken the Four Empowerments of Guru Padmasambhava Inner Accomplishment with Rigzin Khenpo Rinpoche during his Austin visit last Sept 2023. ***

Khenpo Hui Guang Biography

Khenpo Hui Guang was born in 1983. He started Buddhist training with his parents at the age of 6. He has taken refuge with many high Lamas. In 1997, he met Rigzin Chenpo Rinpoche and received various exoteric and secret teachings. He left high school at Taichung in 1999, and went to Ariza, China to take his vow as a monk, studied Tibetan language and monastic precepts. From 2002, he studied various Sastras under the guidance of Khenpo Lodro in Nyingma Monastery Buddhist Institute in China. From 2007, he began to study the five main Sastras at Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, Tibet. He was honored with a 2nd place in the annual exam of the Prajna class, the first Han Chinese ever received such an honor in a Tibetan exam. From 2013, he started a 4-year retreat and practiced various Dharma in the retreat. 

Contact: Cindy (512-810-1688) or Athens (979-676-0529) for details

Organized by Padma Raja Society USA